JOHN’S EDU MARKET stands out for its unique share of resources and information. Teachers can use these resources to support students as they include well-formulated lesson plans, carefully designed support material, and well-planned worksheets. This platform aims at bringing "Tomorrow's lessons to today's classroom, and today's lessons to a classroom now". The Teacher-Author of this platform is an English graduate, associated with Gems Education as a Subject Leader of English.
JOHN’S EDU MARKET stands out for its unique share of resources and information. Teachers can use these resources to support students as they include well-formulated lesson plans, carefully designed support material, and well-planned worksheets. This platform aims at bringing "Tomorrow's lessons to today's classroom, and today's lessons to a classroom now". The Teacher-Author of this platform is an English graduate, associated with Gems Education as a Subject Leader of English.
A Presentation on 41 Critical Thinking Activities to Think Differently which can be used as Starters, Middles, and Plenaries in a Classroom. Teachers can use these to enhance the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of the learners and to help them to think differently.
Innovation involves a deliberate application of information, imagination and initiative in deriving greater or different values from resources, and includes all processes by which new ideas are generated and converted into useful products.
This Presentation Includes:
1. What is Innovation?
2. Innovation Categories
3. How to be more Innovative
4. Innovative Practices
5. Innovative Strategies
6. Innovative Resources
A Presentation that includes interactive activities which can be used as Lesson Starters in a Creative Classroom.
These Starters can be used in the Classroom:
1. To prepare learners for new learning.
2. To revisit and practice important skills.
3. To consolidate knowledge from or make links with previous lessons (bridging).
4. To enable pupils to get a better grasp on each return to an idea or concept.
5. To make constructive use of time while pupils shift between one intensive activity to another.
6. When a disruption unsettles a class and they need to ease quickly back into productive work.
Because of their short duration:
1. They are particularly useful for little and often revisiting of keywords and concepts.
2. They are useful as brain-break activities.
3. They contribute to engagement by offering a sense of fun.
4. They whether competitive or collaborative, often have the feel of a game.
A lesson presentation that presents teaching and learning resources on comic strips creations.
After completing this lesson, the students will be able to:
Apply the conventions of comic strips.
Analyse the features of comic strips.
Develop comic strips to depict story-related to a specific event.
This Resource Includes:
Well Formulated, Measurable, SMART Objectives and Outcomes
Vocabulary Overview - Comic Strip, Word Balloon
Flipped Lesson Part - Video - How to Make a Comic Strip
Engaging and Creative Lesson Starter – Comic Characters
Success Criteria - Comic Strip Checklist
Scaffolding Notes - Comic Essentials and Elements, Comic Template
Collaborative Group Tasks – Pair-Share, Think-Write, Write-Share
Mini-Plenary with Critical Thinking Questions – 3 Online Quizzes
Assessment Criteria for Outcome Expectations - Rubrics
Differentiated Activities for Level Learners - Writing Task by Outcome
Extensions to Challenge the High Achievers - Comic Creator
Plenary to Assess Learning Outcomes - PQP Technique
Home Learning for Reinforcement – 4 Task Cards
Common Core Standards - ELA-LITERACY.W.8,3b/RL.8.4/L.8.4a
Skills to be addressed during the Lesson - Social and Cognitive
Educational Tools and Resources - Adverbs, Verbs, Adjectives
Teachers can use this resource to teach the students to design comic strips, thereby helping them to enhance their skills.
Here are some other possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
A bundle of lessons and resources on skills development.
This bundle includes:
Brochure Writing
Comic Strips Creation
Poster Design
Multiple Intelligence
STEAM Lesson
Teachers can use these ready-made resources to enhance the skills of the learners.
Here are some other possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
A Presentation on 87 Creative Activities to Think Out of the Box which can be used as Starters, Middles, and Plenaries in an ESL Classroom. Teachers can use these to enhance the critical thinking and problem-solving skills of the learners.
A lesson plan that presents teaching and learning resources on brochure writing.
After completing this lesson, the students will be able to:
List the features of a brochure.
Set a criteria for writing a brochure.
Use strategies for inquiry, investigation, drafting, and revision effectively to create an informative brochure.
This Resource Includes:
Well Formulated, Measurable, SMART Objectives and Outcomes
Vocabulary Overview - What is Advertising?
Flipped Lesson Part - Video - Fundamentals of Brochure Design
Engaging and Creative Lesson Starter – Brochure Identification
Success Criteria - Brochure Checklist
Scaffolding Notes - Brochure Criteria
Collaborative Group Tasks – Pair-Share, Think-Write, Write-Share
Mini-Plenary with Critical Thinking Questions – 4 Online Quizzes
Assessment Criteria for Outcome Expectations - Rubrics
Differentiated Activities for Level Learners - Writing Task by Outcome
Extensions to Challenge the High Achievers - Printing Press Online Exercise
Plenary to Assess Learning Outcomes - Pick a Box
Home Learning for Reinforcement – 4 Task Cards
Common Core Standards - ELA-LITERACY.W.6-8.2abcdef
Skills to be addressed during the Lesson - Social and Cognitive
Educational Tools and Resources - Adverbs, Verbs, Adjectives
Teachers can use this resource to teach the students to design brochures, thereby helping them to enhance their skills.
Here are some other possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
A bundle of lesson presentations on skills development.
This bundle includes:
Brochure Writing
Comic Strips Creation
Poster Design
STEAM Lesson
Teachers can use these ready-made resources to enhance the skills of the learners.
Here are some other possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
A bundle of 4 resources on brochure writing.
This bundle includes:
Handouts: Vocabulary, Notes, Rubrics
Worksheets, Exercises, and Task Cards
Lesson Plan with Resources
Ready to use PowerPoint Presentation
Teachers can use these ready-made resources to enhance the designing and writing skills of the learners.
Here are some other possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
A bundle of 4 resources on comic strip creations.
This bundle includes:
Handouts: Vocabulary, Elements, Template, Rubrics
Worksheets, Exercises, and Task Cards
Lesson Plan with Resources
Ready to use PowerPoint Presentation
Teachers can use these ready-made resources to enhance the designing and writing skills of the learners.
Here are some other possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
Resource-based learning actively involves students, teachers, and teacher-librarians in the effective use of a wide range of print, non-print, and human resources. Resource-based learning fosters the development of individual students by accommodating their varied interests, experiences, learning styles, needs and ability levels. Students who use a wide range of resources in various mediums for learning have the opportunity to approach a theme, issue or topic of study in ways which allow for a range of learning styles and access to the theme or topic via cognitive or effective appeals.
This Resource Covers:
1. Meaning of RBL
2. What is RBL?
3. RBL Objectives
4. RBL Outcomes
5. RBL concerned with
6. RBL Approaches
7. Digital and Social Resources
8. RBL Issues
9, RBL Implementation
10. RBL Roles
11. RBL Benefits
12. RBL Resources
This Resource Includes 9 Presentations on Fun Activities:
1. Catch a Phrase
2. Fun Starters
3. Fun Middles
4. Fun Plenaries
5. Creative Quiz
6. Critical Thinking Activities
7. Did you Know?
8. Problem Solving Activities
9. Think out of the Box
Inquiry-based learning (also enquiry-based learning in British English) starts by posing questions, problems or scenarios—rather than simply presenting established facts or portraying a smooth path to knowledge. The process is often assisted by a facilitator.
This Resource Covers:
1. Meaning of IBL
2. Why Inquiry
3. Inquiry Components and Procedures
4. Inquiry Levels and Benefits
5. Facilitator's and Learner's Role
6. Inquiry Challenges and Outcomes
7. Resources to Implement IBL
Evidence-based education is an approach to all aspects of education—from policy-making to classroom practice—where the methods used are based on significant and reliable evidence derived from experiments.
This Resource Covers:
1. Meaning of EBL
2. How EBL Works
3. EBL Impact
4. An Evidence-Based Approach to Learning
5. EBL Concerns
6. EBL Critical Points
7. Resources to Implement EBL
Experiential learning is a well-known model in education. Kolb's Experiential Learning Theory defines experiential learning as "the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience. Knowledge results from the combination of grasping and transforming the experience.
This Resource Includes:
1. XBL Assumptions
2. XBL Benefits
3. Kolb's XBL Cycle of Four Elements
4. XBL Attributes
5. Education is a Six-Step Process
6. XBL Characteristics
7. XBL Principles
8. XBL Criteria
9. Facilitator’s XBL Role
10. XBL Forms
11. XBL Resources
Competency-Based learning refers to systems of instruction, assessment, grading, and academic reporting that are based on students demonstrating that they have learned the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn as they progress through their education.
Connections-based Learning focuses on students making meaningful connections with teachers, experts, organizations, community and each other. The development of this approach has been birthed out of a desire to create learning experiences in a connected world with connected students.
This resource includes:
1. Meaning of Competency-Based Learning
2. Meaning of Connections-Based Learning
3. How Competencies Support Learning
4. Advantages Competency-Based Learning
5. Parts of Connections-Based Learning
6. Characteristics of Connected Students
7. Ideas for Connecting your Students
8. Resources to Implement CBL
Job-Based Learning is usually taken to mean learning the job-specific skills and knowledge by doing the job. The learning happens in real time and may be indistinguishable from the performance of the work to which it is intended to contribute.
This Resource Covers:
1. Meaning of JBL
2. JBL Synonyms
3. CAREERS Acronym
4. JBL Benefits
5. JBL Myths
6. JBL Types
7. JBL Resources
Brain-based learning refers to teaching methods, lesson designs, and school programs that are based on the latest scientific research about how the brain learns, including such factors as cognitive development—how students learn differently as they age, grow, and mature socially, emotionally, and cognitively. This is a new paradigm which establishes connections between brain function and educational practice. In a nutshell, brain-based education says, “Everything we do uses our brain.”
This resource includes:
1. Definition of Brain Based Learning
2. BBL Basics, Principles, and Strategies
3. Practical School Applications
4. Resources for Implementation